Days like this make me never want to leave.
This morning, well this morning got off to a rough start. I set my alarm for too early and didn't wake up until 15 minutes before my tutorial was supposed to start - it takes about 10-15 minutes to walk to the city centre and probably at least another 15 or so to get to where my tutorial is up in North Oxford - needless to say I was quite late because I didn't know the buses that went up there and I couldn't find a taxi - i swear they were all hiding!
Luckily, I have the best tutor in the world and have never been more than a minute or two late if not quite early... until today. The porter called her and let her know I was there and we met up to go to the room we meet in.
First, you've got to know that Janette, hopefully she doesn't mind me using her first name, is just cool. She is incredibly warm and caring. She's quite fashionable as well always dressed to the nines with a dash of something unique about her - in the coolest sense. She's got her hair quite stylish too - it's kind of got an a-line to it (hopefully I'm using that term properly) where it's longer in the front than it is in the back so sometimes her hair covers her right eye. and then on the left side it's shorter and brushed back. Someday there will be a picture - i completely forgot my camera for the event last night! In time there will be pictures!
So this lovely woman, doesn't make me feel too bad about being late, though she did ask to make sure I hadn't been ill. She's one of those people I don't feel like I could ever lie to even if I wanted to. I nodded yes (with a bit of shame) that I had in fact slept in a bit. (I was out with her until 10:30 last night at a wine and cheese gathering for students and their tutors).
We meet for maybe five minutes then she says "In preparation for your next essay, we're going on a tour of the women's colleges of Oxford." So we cruise around Oxford in the most adorable and tiny little red sports car. I got so many wonderful stories that I'm struggling to remember all of the details! I heard about the women's colleges, a few other points of interest like beautiful gardens and places to go when people come visit me. Oxford is a tiny city when you're not walking. :-) Then again with the driving on the other side of the road and all of the different traffic patterns - I'm quite happy to walk!
We zip around in the sports car stopping here and there. The main places we went were St. Hilda's, St. Hugh's, Somerville, St. Anne's, and Wolfson. I really did see ALL of Oxford today. She told me stories of her life in Oxford and various details that I shall save for when I'm giving my own tours of the city, but man was it cool.
We pass Somerville and turn around on St. Giles to head back up towards Lady Margaret Hall. She pulls over to tell me a story then asks, "Would you like to grab a sandwich at Eagle and Child?" You know Eagle and Child - J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis as well as the Inklings - it was their spot. Yeah this is cool.
To paint a picture - it is a quaint little pub and the entry way reeked of beer, but it is a pub so we shan't hold that against them. We sat and talked about this and that - her connection to Mary and David Livingstone - you know that explorers/missionaries in Africa? Yeah them. Then her husband and their friend joined us for a bit. It was lovely -- I felt like I was really experiencing English life. Things have felt so sheltered because other than my tutors I've met maybe a handful of English students. The knowledge they have of everything is just astounding. I feel quite uninformed about the world. I imagine the BBC will become my close friend before long. I just sat and listened to the three of them get on about the most spectacular things from politics to geology (her husband is a geologist and their friend has things to do with geology - didn't quite pick up what exactly) to random stories among them.
We spent from about 10-3:30 talking, well mostly me listening, but wow is she one cool lady (the guys weren't bad themselves, but she still takes the cake).
This week I get to write about Feminist theory and religion as well as the history of the women's colleges at Oxford. Like WHAT IS THIS?? I can't imagine doing any of this as an undergrad at Mason. (Though Dr. Myers is quite awesome).
Well I'd better hop to it - my feminist theory and religion essay is 1000 words due Monday night and the history one (1500 - hopefully I can get it to be that long) is due Wednesday morning. I do wish there were two of me so I could enjoy all this reading as much as I'd like to rather than skimming, but there's only so many hours in a day.
Love to all!